Kenya dreams…

Families are being created slowly but surely now. The NAC approved 4 different families in April (woohoo!) and now we are witnessing other families receive news of their new child (barnbesked). It is warming and uplifting.

Dare I say it –


And yet we also see that there was another terrorist attack in Nairobi last week. The warning levels from the US and UK embassies have increased and 5,000 UK tourists returned home. Not to mention all UK tours from 2 major companies were cancelled until October.

Not so hope inspiring.

As we attempt to grow our little family, we must also protect ourselves during the process. To put ourselves in a place where we can grow. To allow our worlds to expand without intentionally playing with fire. I say intentionally because as I have learned, you can NEVER fully protect your child from life. You are never really in control.

Try as you might – You. Are. Never. In. Control.

Tomorrow our papers go to the NAC. It is an honest wish that they would take ours off the top of the pile…ha ha! To get a fast approval and a real timeline of what’s in our future.

To see the child that we would be blessed to have.

However, it will be 2 weeks before news begins to slowly spread regarding the results of the May meeting. As far as I know, it is always a closed meeting. There is no public space where we can read the results. (Imagine – a website that simply put the notes, decisions and results online so that all could publicly read…wow!!!)

And yet, talk here has also started regarding a different path… Jonas wants to consider Zambia. A land that we have not heard about so much in the news… Is this because it is “safer” or because they are being ignored. I don’t know. I only know that we are so “close” and yet we know nothing. It’s something that takes another leap of faith…or is it simply running from the scary, unknown…? I’m not sure.

Those of you with advice, insight or general opinion…you are welcome to share with us. Comment or send us an email. Feels good to talk about it…

For today, I am praying for a fantastic meeting on behalf of the NAC tomorrow. I truly hope that the children of Kenya will quickly find their forever families. That the families will be blessed with their amazing new child / family. That a little love will grow in this very sad world we often encounter.

Personally, I feel like there is a child out there that IF they were to become our family – would be a perfect match. They have suffered a huge loss of their original family. And we have lost part of ours. So there is an understanding and love that is amazingly strong… I just hope that it will happen.



About JoEllen Nordstrom

JoEllen Nordstrom, owner and founder of, transforms writers into authors! Providing professional editing services to authors of nonfiction, fiction, and academic research since 1994, their writers and editors have helped over 50,000 authors worldwide. JoEllen's passion is collaborating with authors and writing industry professionals to connect them with reliable, vetted editors that complement the content creation and publishing success for which FirstEditing is known. As an established, successful online entrepreneur, JoEllen is also the co-founder of which connects professional mentors, coaches, and therapists with women who are designing the lifestyle they desire.

Posted on May 19, 2014, in Adoption Application, Uncategorized, Waiting to adopt and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. News from Kenya these days are indeed always sobering. And they always make me think about you. Zambia is far less violent, for sure. But for you it is so much further away. And the victims in Nairobi continue to be mainly the poor locals. A tough call.


  2. PAP in Germany

    In Germany, there is no adoption society, which cooperates with Zambia. Hence, German prospective parents give way for Zambian orphans to other prospective paremts in other countries.


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